Saturday, November 15, 2008

Signing Off...

This blog was originally created to support the no on the recall campaign.

It served its purpose. We got some truth out there in the midst of the poisonous pool of information that permeated this community for too long.

I do want to apologize for casting any aspersions on Mr. Bray, my question was more about the idea that the district had issues with content on computers. It is not my issue, nor my concern. Mr. Bray is a competent and solid technology expert who has provided much support to the teachers and students of this district.

However, my time is done now.

I do not want to degrade down to the level of the lebanon truth blog that seeks out issues just to hurt people.

Not to sound to X-filesish... but the truth is still out there, someone else needs to pick up the baton and keep looking... hopefully they will be powerful enough to bring those who have done such great damage to light in such a manner that vindication will be had for the victims of the Robinson regime.

A personal message to LT... you certainly can keep on with your venomous attacks and continue to move for the disintegration of a healthy community... or you can decide to let the community work towards resolution and closure on a very painful time in our history and sign off as well.

I acknowledge my part in the hard times we have had. I accept that I allowed myself to justify continued blogging because I thought "someone has to counteract that other blog" because I truly believe in everything I have said here. But to continue now, would be total selfish desire to hurt people who have hurt people I care about and I end up no better than LT.

I will trust in the new strength found in the board leadership and I wish Lebanon the best and hope for a positive future.

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