Thursday, October 30, 2008

The OSBA agenda...are they friends of the CARES group?

Things that make you go hmmmmmm.....

Knowing that there is a strong push from the community for an interim candidate from the inside, why would Betsy (the OSBA representative), promote a qualification on the list for the screening committee that would negate any candidate that has any history or agenda with the Lebanon Schools?

We desperately need someone who already knows what the problems are here so they can resolve them quickly.

With a broad interpretation, this means that no one who has ever heard or spoken to anybody who knows anything about what has been going on here would be eligible because that technically is history.

Also, (and just because this had made me feel a bit facetious) any decent administrator would have a plan (otherwise known as an agenda) for Lebanon.

Thank goodness our board was wise enough to see through her veiled attempt to keep people from within out and strike that line from the document before they approved it.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Philosophical Differences....

Here are the main philosophical questions that this community needs to address in order to find unity and be able to repair the damage that has been done....

1. Do we believe in discipline and consequences for inappropriate behavior? (If so, we need to hire administrators who also believe that, not people who enable and excuse behaviors and feel that discipline is primarily punitive.)

2. Do we believe that social development of students is as important, if not more important, than academic development? (If so, we need to stop "moving kids" based on test scores and find ways to provide what kids need where they are and help nourish and support their interpersonal relations.)

[Things that make you go hmmmm...: Why force the academies on high school kids because "the small group of student with the same teachers for four years is best" when at the elementary they are dividing by ability? Which group do you think could better handle the separation from their friends? The 7 year old, or the 17 year old?]

3. Do we believe elementary kids should have PE every day? Obesity and childhood diabetes are on the rise, physical activity helps with ADHD and other attention issues, students think better when they have had physical exercise, there are statistical correlations between physical activity and student achievement, etc.... (If so, maybe we should have full time PE teachers in each elementary school building rather than TOSAs at the district office.)

4. Do we believe every student should have MUSIC? (If so, maybe we should have full time MUSIC teachers in every elementary school building.)

[Things that make you go hmmmmm.....: I have heard that there are like 14 teachers on the TOSA list, if you traded 10 of them for PE and Music specialists you would still have 4 to invent programs and run programs that were invented to give them jobs. Didn't there just used to be two? There were two who ran the testing and were the Math and Language Arts specialists at the DO and did an exceptional job, why aren't they there any more??? Maybe they weren't in favor any more, or others who stood out more in their allegiance to Mr. Robinson usurped them?]

5. Do we believe in "advanced" classes? (If so, we need administration that does too, not people who say, "if it's good enough for one student, every student should have to take it.")

6. Do we believe that disruptive students should be removed from classrooms so that the rest of the students can learn and the teacher doesn't have to spend most of their time managing behavior rather than teaching? (If so, we need administration that believes in alternative programs and we need to return some here.)

7. Do we believe that LHS is just a basic lower-level school designed to feed kids to LBCC as soon as possible and only offer lower level classes and let LBCC teach the upper-level stuff no matter how old the kid is? (If so, we need to schedule enough advanced classes that we can accommodate our students needs at the upper-level and we need to have students take courses from LHS teachers until they are eligible to graduate, and have them go to LBCC for the continuing ed offered afterwards.)

[Things that make you go hmmmm...: According to some of the LBCC teachers the LHS kids do not have the study skills, the academic skills, nor the social skills to truly make it in college...shouldn't we make sure they are ready at LHS before we get a really bad reputation?]

8. Do we believe in quality teaching? (If so, we need administrators who know how to evaluate, not intimidate and can evaluate people based on their actual teaching ability rather than their support of administration.)

9. Do we believe kids should be able to get the classes they need? (If so, we need someone who knows how to create master schedules to do it, not people who schedule required classes against each other so students have to choose one subject over another and only offer one section of needed classes in an entire trimester. Apparently, current administration relies to heavily on the computer program to do it and they set the schedule with the lowest percentage of good matches in the history of LHS scheduling.)

10. Do we believe that students need to be in small focused groups with the same teachers so that they can build a strong academic foundation? (If so, we need to bring back freshman Core.)

(Things that make you go hmmmm...: Do the academies still "exist"? I mean the names are still there, but students take any classes they want, administration has directed all teachers to coordinate the curriculum so there are no differences across academies, all students will have the same requirements, Mr. Finch makes all the decisions... only in dress and behavior (cliques) do we really have them any more, and those are the two most damaging aspects of the academies.)

11. Do we believe in our kids? (If so, we need to get into the buildings to support our schools... have you volunteered lately?)

12. Do we believe in this community? (If so, we need to address the philosophical differences and fix the problem immediately.)

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

More comment dialog...

To the student of the teacher who helped you with your subject while the fight happened, there were other teachers standing in their doorways, also, the violence and swearing should have caused kids to respond and call teachers out to help, but they tend to just watch anymore as well....

As far as "attacking" teachers... It is a fact that some teachers are not just allowing liability, they are causing it. They are the minority, but their reputation is what is damaging teachers' reputations here. They have been allowed to do this for years by the administration and therefore I hold the administration primarily responsible. I believe that most of those teachers are simply not aware that their actions are not acceptable in schools because they have never been taught otherwise.... that again is the fault of the administration.

I will just say that there are some teachers who need to be called to a higher level of professionalism, and that starts with the rules being laid out and enforced at every level because apparently altruistic professionalism is not present very much any more... it seems that it is pretty much every person for themselves unless there is a negative consequence...

Monday, October 27, 2008

More responses to comments...

I thank the former student who was here ten years ago for writing, I hope they will write again, but I would like to address the distinction between a couple of our statements...

1. You stated that kids went to Seven Eleven with permission.... it has always been true that some students leave campus without permission.... I seem to remberer that one supposed "Senior Skip Day" the administration showed up at Sheri's during first period to catch some of the "skippers."

Some teachers have allowed kids to go get food and drink as well... (for the record, I do not think that is professional and boy that is a lawsuit waiting to happen.)

However, I stated that some teachers now SEND kids and forgive tardies in exchange for drinks.

That is a pretty big difference.

2. In terms of kids getting away with things... I guess I could be more clear... ten years ago, IF a teacher reported any of those things, they were addressed by administration. Now they are not. If the teachers let them get away with things back then, that was their own, individual, unprofessionalism, not a systematic lack of authority as there is now.

3. There have always been teachers who push the limits, or pick and choose which rules they will follow because they do not agree with them. The difference has to come from the expectations of leadership.

There are some teachers who have been here for that long and longer.... A few of them have fallen into some bad habits... however, with the right leadership they would remember having been under good direction and come back into the right manners in most cases.

I fear for those who have only ever known chaos and disorder. many of them have never known how wonderful it can be to work in an emotionally safe, positive working atmosphere with competent leadership and clear direction. They cling to the only thing they have known, like a child who doesn't want to remove a splinter out of fear of the pain.

Ask someone who worked here when Dale Koger was the principal about effective administration. The picture they have is very different...

PS. Former student, who were your freshman Core teachers and did Core help you?

Responding to this and that...

Amidst the rants of the other blogger and the comment about the OSBA from one of the commentors it seemed important to get some facts straight before I made this here goes.

1. According to a Lebanon citizen, an OSBA representative explained that any eligible candidate with no negative evaluations is eligible for placement in any pools they might create, they could possibly set themselves up for litigation if they did not include his name in a pool for which he was eligible. Therefore, would they not have to include other names that might have similar negative possibilities?

2. The other bloggers rant about the changes to "10 years ago" for LHS begs the question, "how was education different then?" I asked a few people who were there then and either still work there or substitute there.

Here are some comparisons...

Ten years ago...alternative programs and credit make-up options were offered for students who struggled or made poor choices, or just plain didn't fit in a regular setting. Now...there is no where for these kids to go except drop out or if they are lucky get one of the spaces at the Community Services Consortium, or remain in the classes they act out in. (Apparently, once they figure out that they will not be removed, they can become very difficult, because they know nothing will happen to them.)

Ten years ago...administration removed disruptive students from classrooms with out the teachers having to jump through several hoops. Now...teachers are expected to keep students no matter how disruptive they are because there is "no where else to put them." (See loss of alternative programs above.) And on top of that they are marked down in their evaluations if they acknowledge a problem in their class.

Ten years ago...advanced classes for all grade levels in Language Arts and Social Studies, as well as several other subjects ON TOP OF the AP classes that were offered, some of which we no longer offer. Students specialized in subjects and received certificates in multiple areas for going all the way through an advanced sequence of classes and maintaining a 3.5 GPA in that area. Now...APLA, AP Calculus, AP Biology and a handful of College Now courses which are pretty much only for Seniors and maybe a few Juniors are all that are offered at LHS. Students have no lower grade advanced classes to provide scaffolding for advanced study and provide a program that is consistent with the needs of students heading to university (not just community college.)

Ten years ago...freshmen took "Freshman Core" which had every freshman taking Language Arts, Social Studies, Science and Core Skills (similar to study skills) ALL YEAR LONG for half the day in the SAME group of kids with the SAME three teachers. the academies, students might take 2 semesters of LA, 1 of Social Studies, 1 semester of Science, and there is no guarantee that they will have the same teacher.

Ten years would start with over 400 brand new students to LHS. Now...schools starts with less than 300.

Ten years ago...there were 8 secretaries and 4 counselors. Now...there are 13 or 14 secretaries (depending on who you ask) and 5 counselors.

Ten years ago...the teachers knew and respected each other and would jump in to help when there were problems. Now...teachers stand in their doorways and watch as others get injured trying to break up fights.

Ten years ago...teachers were regularly observed and supported and critiqued for their performance. Now...teachers are only observed when administration absolutely has to.

Ten years ago...teachers would never send kids to the Seven Eleven during class time and excuse tardies as long a the kids brought them a drink back, they would never encourage kids to miss class if there was going to be a substitute the next day, they would not ignore policies and directives. Now...there are no consequences if you are a friend of the administration, or they are not comfortable with confrontations. (Note: that is supposedly why admin gets paid more, their job in not supposed to be easy or fun all the time, and you have to be the grown-up and hold others accountable.)

Ten years ago...teachers knew what to do during fire drills, pep assemblies, duty, fights, etc. Now...they don't.

Ten years ago...students didn't get away with swearing, dress code violations, breaking rules, violent behavior, vandalism, insubordination, defiance, intimidation and harassment. Now...they do.

Ten years ago...the administration respected the teachers and staff.... enough said.

Friday, October 24, 2008

What a strange catch 22....

Isn't it ironic that Jim Robinson would make one of his resignation demands be that the Board must use the OSBA for their employee search when he himself would probably be a candidate that the OSBA will put forward in some other unsuspecting district?

I guess what I am saying is that there is nothing I can trust or believe about OSBA recommendations if they could ever, in good conscience, promote Jim Robinson as a candidate for any position after the things he did here.

I suggest the Board remember that and stick with candidates who they know they can trust and not blindly follow the OSBA's recommendations.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Things that make you go hmmmm.....

Why are the administrators in the district out of the buildings more than in?

Why are the TOSAs (teachers who are on special assignment rather than having regular assignments) pretending to be administrators when the administrators are out when they have no training?

Why did a student who attacked another student and a teacher who was trying to stop them get to come back a little while later and finish the job? (beating up the the other student)

Why are teachers being asked to do the same staff development activities that they have done over and over and over before?

What is the district going to do about the inexperienced and unprepared administrators?

Why does the high school need 13 secretaries to do what 8 used to?

If the high school teachers are being told to align all of the curriculum building-wide, the advisories are now grade level specific, and kids can take whatever classes they want, why do we still pretend that the academies aren't DOA?

Why is the district trying to cutting back on the social studies curriculum requirements?

Why don't we have an alternative program for the kids who don't do well in regular settings? (We used to...)


I guess what I am really asking is, why aren't we talking about what is going on within the buildings and not just on blogs and out in the community? When is the acting superintendent going to address anything that is on the minds of the parents, teachers and students in a manner that makes sense and can help to promote positive change?

Let's get this show on the road...

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Other Local Politics... Part 2

One of the commentors has added a link to the money trail for Sherrie Sprenger who is running to try to be elected to the seat she was appointed to.

I have spoken to this situation before, but now that the ballots are out it bears repeating.

Sherrie Sprenger as a Board member of the LCSD was an unfaltering supporter of Jim Robinson and even when faced with court rulings against the district and knowledge of illegal bargaining and discrimination and harassment tactics used by Mr. Robinson chose to ignore any and all stakeholders and constituents that did not agree with Mr. Robinson.

Is that the kind of leadership we want in Salem? A puppet of the party leadership? I would prefer an independent thinker who feels like Lebanon and the rest of this portion of the state is more important than their own political aspirations.

Make no mistake, Sherrie Sprenger is a veteran politician, with rhetoric and patented answers at the ready. She does not care what the people think, only her peers.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Election data and the question of apathy...

Some recall election data....

There have been some questions about the cost of the election. It is not posted on the Linn County website, but the elections office department phone number is 967-3831, and the last I heard the exact cost had not been figured yet.

Also, if you look at
you can see down at the bottom a vote relative to the City of Lebanon in May of 2008 (which was a primary election as well) in which only 3398 people in Lebanon voted.

And, shows the last school board election with 3959 voters in Lebanon total.

And yet if you look at the number of voters that can be found for the recall election (which can be seen at you see that there were 6350 votes cast.

No one can convince me that there was voter apathy about this situation. It would seem to me that there was much more voter interest than there has been in a long time.

However, there is still apparent apathy in that there has not been more outcry to the Board, either in support or opposition and so I want to hold a few of you accountable...

If you care about what is going on in our schools, speak up! Right away... don't wait and think to yourself, "oh, there are others who are talking and the vote should be enough to get things going," it is not enough. Mr. Alexander and Mr. Wineteer still need support to move things along and fix this district for out kids and teachers. Ms. Shimmin and Mr. McUne are well meaning, but they tend to be tentative and overly worried about appearances to "both sides."

In a normal situation that would be fine, but in this case one "side" was controlling and bullying the rest of the community for years and really should not be allowed much say for awhile while the victims get a chance to have the major problems fixed.

The problem is that there is a clear majority and they need to hear from you so they can feel confident in their votes.

Come to the board meeting tomorrow and put your effort where your beliefs are.

Let's shut down the remainder of the apathy and make history here.

Let's get Lebanon moving in the right direction by starting where it matters most, with our kids!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

From within vs. from outside....

The Lebanon Community School Board has to make a series of important decisions...

First do they bring up someone from within the organization to take over for the interim...

or do they throw the dice and hope to find a person that they can trust from the outside?

Let's look at some possible outcomes...

1. They do an expensive OSBA managed search and hire a stranger, he or she comes in and can immediately tell what has been going wrong and they have the vision and knowledge of staff to reallocate personnel and funds and right the wrongs that have been done and get this district back on track, all the while bringing everyone back into the fold and nurturing a sense of community and making all things right with the world... (okay, a little facetious, I know, but there are those who believe all that is my opinion, they are the same people who felt that the CARES group was right... or they are very nice people who are incredibly naive because they have no clue how deep the problems are here.)

2. They do an expensive OSBA managed search and hire a stranger, he or she comes in and can tell that there have been problems and so they begin to ask people how we do things and the people they ask are those who are currently continuing what was left by Mr. Robinson (he may be gone physically, but he still runs this district through Mr. Kelley and the others) and they are able to mislead the new person just as smoothly as they mislead this community for years and the new person, because they are new and so some would think that there is "no way they could be tainted", then turns around and works against the change this commuity is calling for without people realizing it until we have allowed the Robinson philosophy to fester for another couple of years and our students and teachers still suffer and there has to be another vote of no confidence or recall election to get back on track.

3. They consult OSBA about the procedures and legalities of interim leadership and then select someone from within who already knows what is going on, the mere mention of their appointment assures that the current administration has no doubts that things will change and we can make plans for next school year in a timely fashion and with the input of those in the trenches and get them ready for what is coming.

4. The Board can allow CARES infested committees to select the new interim (see above #2).

There are of course variations on a theme for each of those ideas, but I think you get my gist.

I just have a couple last thoughts on this...

- The board should not worry about how the new person will impact "the administrative team" because the fact of the matter is that the problem is the administrative team. Mr. Kelley and his friends on the CARES group should not be taken into consideration in this situation.

- Since you can't please all of the people, the board should try to please the majority, and that is the people who wanted Robinson gone and defeated the recall just so this board could get on the stick and DO SOMETHING fast, before our kids have to suffer anymore.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Let's talk about Mr. Sansom...

Several people have decided to continue Mr. Robinson's practice of attacking those who might get in the way of their particular agenda by immediately attacking Mr. Sansom.

I was asked a by a couple of commentors about Mr. Sansom and so I made a few phone calls.

Here is what I learned.

In a past district Mr. Sansom found himself much in the same position as Mr. Kelley does right now...he was given a direction and task and found himself out of favor with many people when he did the job he was supposed to do.

He was directed by elected leadership in that district to make certain that certain things happened, to "take care of business" and it was not expected that he would necessarily be able to stay in that district after the job was done. Of course people were not happy with him, teachers were not happy with him, anyone who did not know the directions he was given would have thought poorly of the situation. But conversely, he did just as he was supposed to.

The CARES group contingent should understand this sort of situation. They have been advocated for keeping Mr. Robinson because he was doing the work the Board asked him to do (please note, I am referring to the prior Boards headed by Sherrie Sprenger, Tom McHill and the like, not the current Board - which by the way seems to be functioning very well as a group now that the oppressive leadership of before is gone...) Would it not be hypocritical of them to punish one man for doing as directed and advocate for another who did the same thing and even more, because Mr. Robinson also manipulated his contract and connived his way into an iron clad "I have ultimate power" kind of role?

Let's talk about his tenure as a principal.... According to staff at Seven Oak, his meetings could go a little shorter (but that is no different than any other building) and he could stand to communicate more clearly (but it appears that he communicates more effectively and clearly than several other principals in the district.)

HOWEVER, every other complaint that I heard about Mr. Sansom can be directly attributed to the direction he was given by (guess who...) Jim Robinson.

Come on CARES people... give up the ghost...Mr. Robinson is gone...You lost the election by a statistically significant margin...oh, and by the way...

Don't think it wasn't noticed how several of you area trying to manipulate things still by positioning yourselves on district committees.

People of Lebanon wake up! We need to change NOW... or this group will weasel their way in to the programs from the inside and make it LOOK LIKE "the community" wants things.

The world is run "by those who show up" so make sure plenty of people on the winning side of the recall election get on the committees to counteract those who would "stay the course" Robinson set.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

So many little time...

Community Forum...Board meeting...parent-teacher meetings...another Board meeting....Wow, I need to catch my breath!

BUT.... what is the desired outcome of all these meetings?

(At the risk of sounding like a current presidential candidate...)


It is as simple and as complicated as that.

We want change...

Change in direction (no more SAS, no more lowest common denominator education at the high school...etc...)

Change in leadership (no more "administrative team" being more important than competence, no more administration that ignores behavioral issues, no more incompetence, no more additional administration period (a decrease would be great...and fiscally responsible...)

Change in instruction (teachers being truly evaluated based on their abilities, not their relationship with administration....)

Change in curriculum (actually it isn't a change, but a return to the programs that used to be here and work and were stripped away...)

Change in communication (communication would be nice...even poor communication, because that would be a step up...)

Change in tactics (no more harassment and intimidation, no more "beatings will continue until morale improves" staff development, no more letting people with no experience "run" things, no more secret meetings trying to decide "what to do" about people who are not "on board"...)

Like I said, it is as easy and as complicated as that...we need change.

BUT...we also need someone to step in who will not need to waste time getting to know the system or "coming up to speed."

Just a thought: Last night we found out that Mr. Ed Sansom has applied for the interim superintendent. He certainly knows what is going on in this district, so much so in fact that he himself was a victim of Jim Robinson and Steve Kelley. He also has experience in this kind of position, so he has the qualifications. It is an interim position. We need it filled now... not have weeks or months of more continued Jim Robinson leadership (he may be gone, but nothing has changed...yet) and we need someone who knows the real issues...Maybe this is the guy for this moment, in this district, to help these kids and teachers get back to the true business of education.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Attacking the kids....

The "math mom" has been the topic of much controversy and that is understandable.... at least in Lebanon in 2008. She questioned the powers that be and pushed hard against the apathy of the administration when it came to math scores and failing grades.

The fact of the matter is that the new building policy is yet another attempt to cover up the failing grades of students. If you have them retake and retake and retake a class until they pass it and you cover up the "f"s with a "no pass" grade it does a couple of magical things...

1. It decreases the amount of "f"s the school has... (but it does not decrease the level of failure.)

2. It increases GPA...(and we thought 8 valedictorians was too many? Now we could have dozens... but is that fair to those who actually passed EVERY class they took?)

3. It makes the transcripts of LHS unreliable as sources of data.

4. It feels like "cooking the books" in yet another area.

So, anyway....

Math mom asked the questions and the answers exploded in the administrators' collective faces...

So, she moved into the forefront of the battle and found herself another victim of "the other side" which (as unfair as it should be) is the status quo for those who stand up.

However, the other blog apparently allowed Math Mom's daughter to be publicly attacked and maligned with libelous postings....

Talk about crossing the line.

Thank goodness, supposedly, some people stepped in and the posts were removed...

Mr. McUne gave us a good message at the last meeting... "let's act like big boys and girls."

I am willing to be argued with and held accountable for the accuracy of my messages, but I will not attack the children or spouses of people I disagree with... and no decent person should allow it to happen again.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

So... what was that recall election all about anyway?

Okay, it would seem that the obvious to some is escaping too many people.

The recall election was about one thing to one group and a totally different thing to the other...

The CARES group (PAC members and those who ascribe to the same philosophical paradigm) initiated the recall because they knew that there were now enough board member votes to get Mr. Robinson out the door... They were afraid that their friend/leader could possibly be removed and they believed (erroneously) that they were in the majority. They hoped they could spread enough rumor and innuendo to get all of those who were not paying attention to vote against the "loose cannons" Alexander and Wineteer.

The people who actively opposed the recall (no name, because there were multiple groups who for multiple reasons were in agreement) believe that the direction of the district is wrong, the leadership is out of control and the impact on our students is detrimental.

The removal of Robinson, in and of itself, was only necessary because he refused to listen to anyone and was a roadblock to fixing the district.

However, if anyone believes that the removal of Robinson without a complete change in what is going on is what the recall was about.....this community just wasted over a quarter of a million dollars.

There must be change...otherwise, we could have kept Robinson and saved money.

The recall was about removing Robinson only so that the district can change direction.

There is a community forum being held at the American Legion on Tuesday evening at 6:30pm. It is designed to offer an opportunity for input regarding the changes to come.

If you have ideas, or concerns, or questions...or if you just plain care about our kids, this will be a great opportunity for you to be heard.

I hope to see you all there.

Where is the line?

After hearing that another blog has decided to attack the person that they believe is doing this blog I notice there is a definite line that each "side" has drawn in the sand and whenever they walk up to it, it is okay, but the other will say, "you have crossed the line."

Therefore I will define my "line."

I believe that if there is a person or position that needs to change, alter or be eliminated, I will address that issue.

I will not attack the people who disagree with me. I post every comment (except for one that was requested that I not post it and one that a person repeated the exact same post, I believe in error). I would only not post something if it were libelous or slanderous or had inappropriate language.

I will debate the issues and I will continue to call out those who are not seeing what I consider to be the writing on the wall. The community has spoken. It is time for the teachers to speak and be heard (the ones who have been silenced). It is time for the community to be heard (the ones who have been intimidated into silence). It is time for the parents to sit down and talk with the teachers without administration present and work through some details.

I will state it here and clearly.... The current administration and several teachers have engaged in actions and processes that were designed to silence those who have now been vindicated by the recent turn of events. The voices need to be heard.

And....on another note...tying up loose ends...

1. The teacher who reported the torch is the source for the prior rumor... the administrator came back to the teacher and told them that they had spoken to the student and they were very sorry.

2. The math teacher mentioned by one of the commentors has a very bad reputation among students, and the point of the posting I made was that there is no way to judge teacher quality, nor is there any way to guarantee any kind of expertise in a subject as long as we make all of the teachers teach everything.

3. Just ask a few of the employees who have tried to speak up in the past and been punished. You will get an earful of facts, not rumor, nor innuendo.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

But I digress yet again...

The original intent of this blog was to provide proof to counteract the negative (and now proven minority) view that was being pushed as the only way to go in Lebanon. I will continue to provide links and other documents when I can, but right now the conversation is more about the opinions of those involved as to what direction we should go. We can provide research that supports every single position in the community, that isn't the point. The true question is, what system or program is best for LEBANON kids?

I admit that the negativity is contagious, I have fallen into the trap as well, and while I definitely believe there is still a long way to go to get our schools back in good shape, I want to recognize the common effort that brought us all the way we have indeed traveled since the problems that prompted the votes of no confidence and the strong community reactions to what was going on.

We have made a bold choice. We now need to make sure that we don't just allow another single individual to "rule the roost," we need to have a leader who will listen to ALL sides and create conversations that make it possible for logical solutions to our problems.

I apologize in advance if anyone feels threatened or upset, because that is not my intention.

The fact of the matter is, if I could just wave a magic wand, there would be many people who are currently employed in the district who would suddenly find themselves placed in jobs elsewhere, and not in Lebanon... however... in all fairness, they should have the opportunity to improve, change and/or decide to leave on their own.

However, it would appear that many of them did not realize that the vote last week was an indictment, not just on Mr. Robinson, but on many things happening in the district.

A few of you have expressed support for the SAS and the academies, but I would wager that you are not aware of all the side effects these programs have caused.

The SAS has created special education violations, 11 year olds in High School (who then fail miserably), 14 year olds in elementary school (who also fail miserably), students who were "moved up" who have huge gaps in their curriculum and social skills, children whose home situations provide no permanance (who need to feel safe, and like they belong) being yanked, yet again, from a group that they have developed relationships with just because they got different test scores, etc.

The academies have created four deeply engrained cliques that have embedded negative stereotypes into the curriculum and the relationships. When students say things like, "we're physical kids, we don't care about graduating" or "we don't do homework in Info.." they are promoting very negative behaviors as the status quo. Teachers who are mediocre at best find themselves "the veteran teacher" with the most seniority in their academy and therefore the administrators who have no experience evaluating rely on them for advice about the curriculum. This has created a steep decline in coherence and effectiveness of instruction. The teacher in the academy with the most students enrolled in the advanced courses was one assigned to the advanced program, even if they had no experience with the course and the best teacher in the area was in the building. (e.g. Mr. Selby and Mr. Helland no longer teaching Calculus classes or Ms. Williams not teaching APLA.) How can that be what is best for kids?

Prior to the SAS and the academies there were probably about 15 to 20% of our students who were in serious need of interventions and special attention. We then changed 100% of the program to accomodate approximately 15% of the students. We have lost most of the vocational program, the alternative education program, The vast majority of the advanced program that used to exist, 50% of the athletic program, 70% of the PE, Music and Counseling programs.

How can the existence of the problem ridden academies and SAS be worth the losses?

We have administrators who play favorites with those who supported Robinson's agenda and punished those who spoke against it.

We have directors who have created more programs to justify their continued employment.

We have leadership that has allowed such chaos to rule that it is virtually impossible to have professional conversations.

What we need is a strong change of direction with very clear expectations, goals, and expected outcomes. We cannot afford to have this, "Think outside the box and do whatever you want until you are told 'no'" kind of leadership any longer.

We need to move swiftly, but with care and consideration.

Our students deserve better.

Friday, October 10, 2008

When will they learn?

One would think that those administrators and staff left behind after Mr. Robinson's flight from the district would be looking to see what happened and starting dialogs to open conversations and trying to discover the issues that they have been ignoring for years. However, behaviors have been eerily quiet and secretive.

The community has spoken by a two to one margin. The silent majority has been freed up to speak, but those in power continue to maintain the same behaviors... this is what got Mr. Robinson to the point where he ended, but these people do not have the same kind of iron clad contract that he did and in fact several of them are probationary.... you would think they would be trying to figure out how to get on the right side of the issues, rather than continuing to push their previous agendas...

When you look at some of behaviors below, it makes you wonder what else is going on.... and how will we ever get to the bottom of it all?

Spoiler alert!!!!

The following comments are rumor and innuendo, but from very reliable sources. The purpose of writing them here is to bring to light some of the issues that have been hidden behind the protection of Mr. Robinson. If you do not want to read hearsay rumors, stop reading now.

Reports from the different buildings have brought some strange rumors and curious sightings...

The head high school administrator is not the only one whose behaviors leaves much to be desired...

Apparently, Mr. Robinson and a distraught administrator were meeting in the administrator's office the other day (after his resignation). Secretaries, teachers and students were present when he came out.

Supposedly, a student turned a lighter and an aerosol can into a flaming torch at school and the new administrator of one of the LHS systems deemed him repentant and sent him on his merry way with no consequences.

Same administrator has apparently, also dealt with several serious behaviors in the same way... she has been dubbed "a walking liability." (Word to the wise, racist harassment, vandalism, intimidation and violence are things that should never be ignored and should always have a consequence.) Word has it that she also talks about the performance of staff with other staff...

According to some employees, the facilities director might also want to think about how he treats employees. Heavy handed leadership won't get far without Mr. Robinson's protection.

The special education director (who has no prior experience with Special education) has made some pretty inappropriate comments in meetings and has allowed parents to believe that teachers are the problem in circumstances where she has made the mistakes.

So where do we go from here???

Thursday, October 9, 2008

And so it goes...

The people of Lebanon have been through the ringer. Mr. Robinson is gone, but the people of Reedsport say that a decade later they are still recovering from his short tenure there. What this means is that we will be feeling the effects of this administration for a long time to come.

However, we have a choice... we can choose to sit and wallow in bitter resentment over the situation, or we can take a look around and find some common ground to stand on (kids) and then find ways to agree on a course of action. There are things that we can agree upon.

Here are my suggestions:

1. Let's talk to retired teachers and current teachers who were here before Robinson came and discuss things that worked well that were thrown out during his tenure (advanced programs, freshman core, alternative education etc.) See if we can find some of those babies that got thrown out with the bathwater and bring them back.

2. Let's look at effective models that are out there and actually use some of the strategies for the things that we struggle with.

3. Let's bring back teacher leadership (department heads, committees that have power headed by teachers etc.) and use the expertise we have here in the classroom.

4. How about a closer relationship between the city and the schools? It seems that we should be working together to build up Lebanon!

5. We need to remember that the only key to school success is teacher buy-in. If teachers believe in what they do, they can get the kids to buy-in.

The teachers in Lebanon, for the most part, do not buy in to the loss of social development support and the Special Education violations...they do not buy in to the idea that we cannot afford PE, music and counselors at each building, but we can afford teachers who aren't in the classroom... they do not buy in to the waste of resources and teacher abilities due to the academies...they do not buy in to administration that does not back them up nor seem to be able to provide solid leadership in any area.

Let's find programs that parents can support and teachers can buy in...then we will be able to find more success than failure, more joy than fear, and more anticipation and less dread.

Responding to Comments...

1. I never said that the CARES PAC was responsible for the eggings etc.... I have always maintained that the CARES "group" (for the purposes of my blog) encompasses anyone who ascribes to the same philosophy as those that have been poisoning our community for years via their PACS.

2. The only "my way or the highway" people I have heard about in the last years are Mr. Robinson, Mr. Finch, Mr. Bogatin and a few others who actually no longer work or serve here... Mr. Wineteer and Mr. Alexander have tried for years to work with anyone who wants to head away from the direction Mr. Robinson was headed and they were shut down unilaterally by whoever was the Board chair (most recently and notably Sherrie Sprenger - another "my way or the highway" individual who is no longer here because her political aspirations were tarnished due to her involvement in Lebanon).

3. Where will we get 67 students???? well...remove the SAS and the elementary and middle school students will return AND... at the high school alone, the district document that I was shown in June of 2007 showed a loss of 450 students at the high school alone.... the academies are all but dead at this point anyway... kill them completely, bring back advanced programing and alternative ed. and to quote a famous movie "If you build it... they will come."

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


The wait is over and the results are in...

Mr. Wineteer and Mr. Alexander will remain on the Lebanon Schools Board and Ms. Shimmin and Mr. McUne find themselves able to feel confident in their ability to represent the community as they try to work forward from the problems left in the wake of Mr. Robinson's regime.

The Lebanon community has spoken with a two to one margin in favor of supporting the current board and the direction they have chosen to move. It is time for the CARES PAC to recognize that they do not speak for the community and this recall was nothing more than a true waste of taxpayer money. Political and legal bullying needs to stop.

It is time to put down the weapons and pick up the tools to start rebuilding our schools district and the community as a whole. Who will take the first step and start the conversation?

Sixty Seven Students...

67 students.... Do you know how much money 67 students would bring to Lebanon Schools? Well, each student is worth more than $6000, so if you do the math... 67 students would bring $402,000 to the district.

It seems to me that the concerns about the cost of last night's buy-out are yet another smoke screen designed to make others look bad and create an atmosphere of fear and concern.

Along these lines, according to witnesses Mr. Fisher made a serious deviation from a prior position he had held to very strongly... he is quoted as having said that they should have "just fired him" and saved the district money.

There is no conceivable way that Mr. Fisher would have voted to do that because he supposedly believed that legally they could not do that. So, why the Hail Mary at this point? It would seem that he was making one last ditch effort to keep Mr. Robinson. If he could change direction and tactic and get two others on the board to vote to not approve the deal with Mr. Robinson, he would not have resigned and we would still be in turmoil today.

Everyone seems to have been concerned about the finances in the district. (Judging by the amount of groaning and squirming at the district office around this audit they are in there would appear to be cause for concern.) However, when you look at things from a broader perspective based on real numbers and data, not the fantasy spreads that the district office produces for Board meetings, things are much more simple.

How are we going to pay for the buy-out?

Sixty seven students.


The actions taken at last night's board meeting have created a sort of limbo in Lebanon that will last until about 8:30pm tonight.

Mr. Robinson deciding to take the money and leave was not surprising considering the mountain of questions that are starting to arise...people are asking questions and words and phrases such as "forensic audit" and "IDEA violations" etc. should send people running for the hills if even only half of the allegations made over the last few years are true.

However, last night's action is still in a void until today's vote is completed and we know whether we have a community united or divided.

Anything but a landslide on one side or the other will mean that we have a lot of hard work ahead of us. If the "yes" side wins, they will surely feel that it validates all that Jim Robinson was doing and will try to continue down that path. If the "no" side wins, they will surely feel that we need to clean house and start over with many things.

Only if the vote is so overwhelming that we can legitimately say the other side is a small but vocal minority will we be able to move in either direction with confidence. No matter which side wins... if it is close, we better start working together, or soon we will find ourselves in this same position, once again.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Apparently intimidation is not enough...

Historically, when a group in power finds itself losing ground and falling out of favor with the public there is a pattern of behavior that ensues: disinformation, intimidation of those in opposition, harassment of those in opposition and (if allowed to go that far) eventually physical attacks and destructive behaviors.

Apparently the CARES group's loss of influence over the community coupled with the strong sentiment in opposition has pushed them over the edge and they are no longer satisfied with intimidation and harassment tactics.

It has unraveled into the realm of property damage...and it is escalating.

At this point the weapon of choice is eggs.

Eggs may seem harmless enough when aimed at simple signs such as the No on the Recall signs, but when aimed at a board member's home, as they were last night, they become destructive messy goo that hardens and can cause expensive damage to paint jobs, wire screens and electrical wiring and boxes. Not to mention scaring little children who live in the home and placing the fear of what could come next into the spouses of our elected officials.

And... the force exposes the proximity of the assailants. They had to have been trespassing, which is illegal as well.

It sickens me to see the depth of the division in this community. Can't people see that they have allowed an educational philosophy to destroy a community, to pit neighbor against neighbor and friend against friend. If at any point in the last decade Mr. Robinson had genuinely cared about the community, he would have stopped everything and pulled everyone together and said, it is not worth the damage that is being done to keep forcing the issue. However, that is not what he said, what he said many years ago was, "if people don't like it, they can leave," and that has been his motto ever since.

This has gotten to the point where it is beyond ridiculous and at this point, I am half expecting some other blog to come up with a conversation about the ever honest and upright money reporting CARES group having budgeted properly and reported the egg budget to the secretary of state's office.

Listen carefully people.... Jim Robinson is not worth it.

This community is worth fighting for together, not against each other.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Oh how the rumor mill goes...

Apparently the CARES group has finally realized that their arguments so far have fallen on deaf ears and are resorting to feeding on the voters' financial fears....

The other blog is crying wolf about all of the firings people are theorizing will happen at Monday nights meeting, and then bemoaning the cost of all those firings.

Chicken Little... the sky IS NOT FALLING...

1. Jim Robinson can be fired outright for a variety of reasons and the savings from not paying his salary will pay for any legal fees.

2. Steve Kelley and Mark Finch and any other employees will probably not be fired. Whoever is placed in charge; however, could reassign duties and allow them to work to the end of their contracts and see if they are capable of making the change. (I personally would want to make sure there was a close scrutiny on their actions.)

3. And if you like irony... those teachers and classified employees who have vilified the union for years might find their jobs protected by their contracts.

4. And I repeat myself.... as students return to the district, the money will come with them.

Do not let the CARES group deceive you... they are running scared and losing ground.

Okay... we know what we don't need...

I think we have pretty well covered all the reasons why Mr. Robinson and those who ascribe to his philosophy on education need to go...but what next? What needs to happen to "fix" things?

Here are a few suggestions, please feel free to weigh in!

1. We need PE everyday, Music two or three times a week and Art at least once a week K through 12.

2. We need smaller class sizes

3. We need to keep good teachers use them as models and mentors to new teachers. (Not just those who know "which side their bread is buttered on.")

4. We need counselors in every school.

5. We need people who can make decisions quickly and effectively without having to get the go ahead from the Superintendent for every little thing. We need principals who actually know what they are doing so the superintendent can allow them to do their jobs without concerns for the day to day functioning.

6. We need the SITE councils to function as parent advisory opportunities, or create parent advisory forums where they can come and express concerns. BUT, then the input needs to be addressed and if possible used.

7. We need to protect the developmental and social stages of our most vulnerable students. We need to stop dividing up student peer groups based on test scores. Stable peer support is one of the most needed aspects in a child's life right after adults who care about them.

8. We need a leader we can trust.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

But Joyce, you repeate yourself....

According to Joyce Weatherly in her letter to the editor in today's Lebanon Express, "The School Board recall is about the indefensible actions and antics of Rick Alexander and Josh Wineteer. Contrary to what some people want you to believe, it has nothing to do with the current administration."

The content in this letter has been repeated over and over again by Ms. Weatherly and her other CARES cronies in a manner that begs addressing....

If you take the time to peruse some of my prior blogs you will find web addresses and citations that allow you to see government website information about the illegal bargaining, civil rights violations and other "indefensible actions" of the superintendent as well as the secretary of state's webpage proof of the seven PACs created by the secret society that we refer to by the acronym CARES which encompasses all of those who have been deceived by the rhetoric of a charismatic but dangerous leader.

I have always backed up my statements and beliefs with logic and rationale that I am willing to place against the innuendo and vacant attacks made by the CARES group. Their smoke and mirrors whining "they broke rules, they broke laws, they mismanaged money...." on and on without any proof.

So I'm asking.....

WHERE is the proof to back up all of the allegations that this group consistently makes as they besmirch the reputation and good name of two public officers who have been battling against the inappropriate and unethical actions of a renegade superintendent?

1. What board policies have been violated?

2. What laws have been broken?

3. When did Mr. Wineteer and Mr. Alexander and any third board member ever have an unofficial board meeting without public knowledge?

4. Where is the check from the district funds showing an extra expense going to Sand Ridge?

Here are the answers:

1. None
2. None
3. Never
4. It does not exist.

I urge you... if you are reading this, please check the facts for yourself!

I would like to commend the article written by Larry Coonrod for today's Lebanon Express. It was fair and even handed. But you don't have to believe me, take a look for yourself.

Talk is cheap.... facts are not...

It's time for the CARES group to face the facts...and stop the innuendo and lies.

Backpeddling at its best....

I am always amused at how slander, when asserted by people with a political agenda, converts into begrudging truth when the persons delivering the message are pushed for proof. Such is definitely true about the "information" that the CARES group et. al. have been spewing for years.

But let's take a look at some specific cases....

Original message - Tre Kennedy swore up and down that his business (a law firm) was a totally separate entity and had nothing to do with his personal choices and actions relative to the recall effort.

New message - Well.... the law office address being used as the address for the PAC was just an oversight.

Original message - Mr. Wineteer and Mr. Alexander had illegal "meetings" that violated public meetings laws.

New message - Well... maybe they didn't violate law, but it really makes us mad that they talk about issues that we don't like.

Original message - Mr. Wineteer and Mr. Alexander violated board policies.

New message - Well... maybe they didn't violate the policies, but they violated the "spirit" of the policies.

Original message - Mr. Wineteer and Mr. Alexander diverted funds from our kids to go to the charter school.

New message - Well... it is too bad that the charter school has had to give up their high school and has lost enrollment and millions of dollars due to the contract that the board majority worked out with them at no additional cost to the district.

Inflammatory language is used when people want to make a point.

People have used it at times when they feel passionate about the issues.

However, it is only acceptable as a debate tool if everyone has the opportunity to debate the issues from their perspective without fear of retaliation and attack.

When a small group uses not only inflammatory language, but also lies and negative innuendo, to manipulate a town's political and social well-being without allowing for a fair debate, it is unethical, pure and simple.