Thursday, October 30, 2008

The OSBA agenda...are they friends of the CARES group?

Things that make you go hmmmmmm.....

Knowing that there is a strong push from the community for an interim candidate from the inside, why would Betsy (the OSBA representative), promote a qualification on the list for the screening committee that would negate any candidate that has any history or agenda with the Lebanon Schools?

We desperately need someone who already knows what the problems are here so they can resolve them quickly.

With a broad interpretation, this means that no one who has ever heard or spoken to anybody who knows anything about what has been going on here would be eligible because that technically is history.

Also, (and just because this had made me feel a bit facetious) any decent administrator would have a plan (otherwise known as an agenda) for Lebanon.

Thank goodness our board was wise enough to see through her veiled attempt to keep people from within out and strike that line from the document before they approved it.


Anonymous said...

I would hope a citizen would ask Betsy why this comment was included knowing that one district person, Ed, would be interviewed. Is this just an immature way of saying they don't want/are afraid of Ed? of trying to stir up controversy on the board? division within the community? AND, unless the people responsible for this comment know who is on the slate, maybe highly qualified former area administrators have applied and thier applications would also have been negated.

Anonymous said...

I'm fairly certain that the OSBA was trying, obviously in vain, to prevent the bitter, angry, activist faction of the community from hiring a superintendent who would immediately implement their backwards agenda upon the District. Alexander saw that and the Board invented the "Oh, no, that prevents internal candidates from applying" argument to validate their forcing Rick's agenda on the community. What nonsense. What a disgrace for Lebanon.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 3:37,
Perhaps you missed the results from the recent recall election?

"Rick's Agenda" seems to be the agenda supported by the LARGE (overwhelming for an election)percentage of the community. Therefore, "Rick's Agenda" is the COMMUNITY'S AGENDA. The activist faction is Lebanon. GO TEAM!

Anonymous said...

You want to talk about a Disgrace for Lebanon??

Let's make a list...

*when hundreds of our students are attending Scio, Albany, Corvallis and Sweethome schools. THAT is a disgrace for Lebanon.

*When our district graduates only 15% of students with disabilities who SHOULD be graduating. THAT is a disgrace for Lebanon.

*When students who are Jrs. or Srs. and need Algebra 2 to graduate, but it is not available on the schedule so they are encouraged to take it online or at LBCC. THAT is a disgrace for Lebanon.

*When kids in elementary/middle schools don't get PE, but we have 14 teachers sitting here without classrooms (as TOSA's). THAT is a disgrace for Lebanon.

*When we have 15 year olds in 4th or 5th grade. THAT is a disgrace for Lebanon.

*When we have no middle school athletic programs that are realisticially viable options for most our our kids,=. THAT is a disgrace for Lebanon. Ask a parent of a Pop Warner player how much participation costs. You will be dumbfounded.

*When people burst out in swearwords at a Board Meeting because they don't like what someone else has to say. THAT is a disgrace for Lebanon.

*When bloggers are allowed to run amuck, making up lies and discrediting those they disagree with through vicious attacks. THAT is a disgrace for Lebanon.

Shall I continue?

Anonymous said...

Add to that list...when a parent is at a board meeting to support teachers, students, and is trying to be part of positive changes for the school system, she is attacked by a member of the CARES group. THAT is a disgrace for Lebanon.