Friday, October 24, 2008

What a strange catch 22....

Isn't it ironic that Jim Robinson would make one of his resignation demands be that the Board must use the OSBA for their employee search when he himself would probably be a candidate that the OSBA will put forward in some other unsuspecting district?

I guess what I am saying is that there is nothing I can trust or believe about OSBA recommendations if they could ever, in good conscience, promote Jim Robinson as a candidate for any position after the things he did here.

I suggest the Board remember that and stick with candidates who they know they can trust and not blindly follow the OSBA's recommendations.

1 comment:

Dennis said...

Do you have any evidence for the claim that the OSBA would put forth Robinson's name after what happened in the district? Any at all?

Your whole claim rests on that assumption, yet you say nothing about why you think the OSBA would ever put Robinson's name forward after what happened in the LCSD.

This is a silly and transparent attempt to scare people in Lebanon into rejecting the results of an OSBA search by linking the OSBA with Robinson.

You should know better. And more to the point, you should respect your readers more than this.