Thursday, October 16, 2008

So many little time...

Community Forum...Board meeting...parent-teacher meetings...another Board meeting....Wow, I need to catch my breath!

BUT.... what is the desired outcome of all these meetings?

(At the risk of sounding like a current presidential candidate...)


It is as simple and as complicated as that.

We want change...

Change in direction (no more SAS, no more lowest common denominator education at the high school...etc...)

Change in leadership (no more "administrative team" being more important than competence, no more administration that ignores behavioral issues, no more incompetence, no more additional administration period (a decrease would be great...and fiscally responsible...)

Change in instruction (teachers being truly evaluated based on their abilities, not their relationship with administration....)

Change in curriculum (actually it isn't a change, but a return to the programs that used to be here and work and were stripped away...)

Change in communication (communication would be nice...even poor communication, because that would be a step up...)

Change in tactics (no more harassment and intimidation, no more "beatings will continue until morale improves" staff development, no more letting people with no experience "run" things, no more secret meetings trying to decide "what to do" about people who are not "on board"...)

Like I said, it is as easy and as complicated as that...we need change.

BUT...we also need someone to step in who will not need to waste time getting to know the system or "coming up to speed."

Just a thought: Last night we found out that Mr. Ed Sansom has applied for the interim superintendent. He certainly knows what is going on in this district, so much so in fact that he himself was a victim of Jim Robinson and Steve Kelley. He also has experience in this kind of position, so he has the qualifications. It is an interim position. We need it filled now... not have weeks or months of more continued Jim Robinson leadership (he may be gone, but nothing has changed...yet) and we need someone who knows the real issues...Maybe this is the guy for this moment, in this district, to help these kids and teachers get back to the true business of education.


Anonymous said...


You left out the part of last night's meeting where Kelley received a near standing ovation after saying these blogs were destroying the community.

IE said...

Do you know about his record at Seven Oaks? I have heard things have improved under his leadership, but yet I hear it's a very tough school and that he hasn't done enough. Could you post about his record there?

Anonymous said...

Maybe you post on why he got run out of the Central Linn school district.

Anonymous said...

I find that this blog bring out points worth considering. As for the other, I couldn't comment.

Anonymous said...

Wow, you have a lot of statements that amaze me. I do question some decisions made over the years. However, it sounds like you'd like to see things revert back to 1998 or earlier. Just because change occurred during JR's tenure doesn't mean the change was bad. Each thing should be reviewed objectively on its own merit.

And blanket statements about administration aren't fair - or accurate. Again, look at each person on his/her own merit.

Anonymous said...

sandridgeparent...the "near standing ovation" is an overstatement on your part. There was merely some enthusiastic clapping from some people, but there were many people sitting there without clapping at all. Do you realize that the other "Lebanon" blog has been the mouthpiece for the district administration. Mr. Kelley may be fooling some of you when he states that he does not read the blogs, but he is not fooling me.

continuing on...
Mr. Kelley's attempt to control and manipulate the "search" for a new interim superintendent was quite apparent as he danced around the room. His desparation was palpable as he tried to peddle his snake oil. The timeline of Jan. '09 before an interim is on board is not acceptable. The "bleeding" that is currently happening throughout the district needs to be stopped NOW not later. Bringing in an outsider to be guided by the same administrative team will only continue in the direction we are currently heading. We need someone who is already aware of what is happening and has the courage and is willing and able to step up and make the immediate changes necessary before this school year is over. The "math emergency" that has been going on for years [under the watchful eye of Steve Kelley (curicculum director), Jan Zarate (director of student achievement(curicculum)), and Mark Finch (LHS administrator)]is only the tip of the iceberg. Lebanon needs transparency, accountability, and and open process that should help to eliminate some of the back-room-deals that have taken place. The experiment that has taken place during the last 10 years needs to be ended and STUDENT SUCCESS needs to become the #1 PRIORITY.