Thursday, October 23, 2008

Things that make you go hmmmm.....

Why are the administrators in the district out of the buildings more than in?

Why are the TOSAs (teachers who are on special assignment rather than having regular assignments) pretending to be administrators when the administrators are out when they have no training?

Why did a student who attacked another student and a teacher who was trying to stop them get to come back a little while later and finish the job? (beating up the the other student)

Why are teachers being asked to do the same staff development activities that they have done over and over and over before?

What is the district going to do about the inexperienced and unprepared administrators?

Why does the high school need 13 secretaries to do what 8 used to?

If the high school teachers are being told to align all of the curriculum building-wide, the advisories are now grade level specific, and kids can take whatever classes they want, why do we still pretend that the academies aren't DOA?

Why is the district trying to cutting back on the social studies curriculum requirements?

Why don't we have an alternative program for the kids who don't do well in regular settings? (We used to...)


I guess what I am really asking is, why aren't we talking about what is going on within the buildings and not just on blogs and out in the community? When is the acting superintendent going to address anything that is on the minds of the parents, teachers and students in a manner that makes sense and can help to promote positive change?

Let's get this show on the road...


Anonymous said...

Why don't we have an alternative program for the kids who don't do well in regular settings? (We used to...)

They do have a class at the high school,Pioneer and Seven oaks. The kids stay in the class,some go out to some classes and stay in the classroom for other subjects and other kids take regular classes with the teacher from the special classroom watching their progress.
If that is what you were talking about with alternative programs. I have a son in the high school class,was in the Pioneer class and one son in the Seven Oaks class and they both have blossomed.

Anonymous said...

Can we also talk about all the money spent remodeling buildings for each new "program" that comes along? How about the cost of starting, training, and then abandoning each new program that comes along? Anybody ever measure the effectiveness of ANY of the new programs that come along every year or so?

Anonymous said...

OSBA is taking applications and with your insights you would make an oustanding interim superintendent. You have a lot of questions, maybe it's time that you help come up with some answers. You have my vote!