Thursday, September 18, 2008

About enrollment at LHS...

There was a comment made about making sure my numbers for enrollment at LHS were accurate...

Let me put it this way...

According to high school sources there are two kinds of Freshmen:

1. Those who have finished 8th grade and are ready to move up to the high school, these are called incoming freshmen.

2. Those who did not pass enough classes to have enough credits to move up to sophomore level, these are called repeaters and are not really freshmen.

Unfortunately, these same classifications occur for every grade and therefore no "enrollment" numbers are ever very clear.

What is a fact is that there were less than 300 "incoming freshmen" this year at LHS.

The 450 number was found by counting the number of highlighted students in a graduation requirements spreadsheet created by the district office in June of 2007. The highlighted students represented students who had been enrolled at LHS and no longer attended. According to the district office spreadsheet that number was over 450.


Anonymous said...

Do you know how much money the district loses each year with students going elsewhere, either homeschool, private school or transfering to other public schools? We wonder what the number is. Seems like a lot of people we know are either driving quite a distance or homeschooling their kids.

Anonymous said...

Please don't assume that most home schooling parents took their children out of Lebanon public schools because we were unhappy with them. We have removed our children because we dislike ALL public schools. Bring God back into the schools and maybe we will be back.