Saturday, September 20, 2008

What a shame...

I find it discouraging to know that so many people have bought in to the long standing presupposition that Mr. Alexander and Mr. Wineteer being on the board is a problem just because Jim Robinson has painted them in a negative light....

Truly, what have they done to deserve to be removed unceremoniously from the board....

They have questioned administrative decisions.
They have complained about administrative actions.
They have refused to back down to bullying and harassment.
They have tried valiantly for years to remove Jim Robinson from the almost unlimited power he was given by prior board members.
They have tried to stop the sale of Lebanon school buildings.
They have tried to reinstate alternative education in Lebanon.
They have tried to meet with teachers and parents to see what they can do to help.
They have answered phone calls and met with anyone who has asked them to discuss concerns.

In short, they have done everything they can to not be yes-men who bow down to the intimidation tactics of a tyrannical leader.

I think they deserve the opportunity to finish what they started.


IE said...

Well stated -- thank you.

Anonymous said...

A BIG thank you. Lets look forward to tomorrow where Mr. Robinson is a thing of the past.