Thursday, September 11, 2008

Follow the money

In examining the Oregon Secretary of State webpage related to the financial activities of political action groups there is a disturbing almost incestuous relationship between seven different PACs.

If you go to and type in the name
"Lebanon CARES" you will start down a trail of links that when compiled give you the following information:

While Mike Farnsworth is the treasurer of Lebanon CARES and the two committees created to recall Lebanon School Board members Alexander and Wineteer...

Mike's PACs:
1. Lebanon CARES PAC
2. The Committee to Recall Rick Alexander, Director Zone 2
3. The Committee to Recall Josh Wineteer, Director Zone 5

Lebanon CARES member Dave Benneth is the treasurer for four other PACs (all can be researched by placing the name of the committee in the search spot on the secretary of state webpage).

Dave's PACs:
4. PAC - Building Schools - Building Futures (Objective: Oppose the Recall of McHill, Sprenger and Fisher)
5. PAC - Citizens for Truth and Jobs (Objective: Support or Opposition of Specific Candidates)
6. PAC - Friends of Sherrie Sprenger
7. PAC - Friends of Debi Shimmin

If you look at the financial acitivity of each of these PACs on the Secretary of State's website you also find that:

1. The Lebanon CARES PAC gave money to both recall effort PACs (Alexander and Wineteer) AND the Building Schools - Building Futures PAC.

2. The Building Schools - Building Futures PAC gave money to Lebanon CARES PAC, Friends of Debi Shimmin PAC and Friends of Sherrie Sprenger PAC

3. The Citizens for Truth and Jobs PAC gave money to Friends of Debi Shimmin PAC and Friends of Sherrie Sprenger PAC

People associated with the PACs:
1. Lebanon CARES PAC - Michael Farnsworth (treasurer and contributor), Dave Benneth (spokesperson at Board meetings), Connie Schmidt and her business Lebanon Animal Hospital, Catherine Watts, Dr. William Barish, Masog Mink Ranch, Joyce Weatherly, Zachary Webb, Jennifer Walter and John Kennedy (business partner of Tom McHill).

2. The Committee to Recall Rick Alexander, Director Zone 2 - Lebanon CARES (see above)

3. The Committee to Recall Josh Wineteer, Director Zone 5 - Lebanon CARES (see above)

4. PAC - Building Schools - Building Futures (Objective: Oppose the Recall of McHill, Sprenger and Fisher) - Lebanon CARES (see above), Carol Chervenek (wife of Dr. Barish), Friends of Sherrie Sprenger (see below), Friends of Debi Shimmin (see below)

5. PAC - Citizens for Truth and Jobs (Objective: Support or Opposition of Specific Candidates) - Friends of Sherrie Sprenger PAC (see below), Friends of Debi Shimmin PAC (see below)

6. PAC - Friends of Sherrie Sprenger - Dr. William Barish, Citizens for Truth and Jobs PAC, Building Schools - Building Futures PAC

7. PAC - Friends of Debi Shimmin - Citizens for Truth and Jobs PAC, Building Schools - Building Futures PAC (It should be noted that Debi returned money to the Building Schools group - it is denoted as an expenditure AND a contribution)