Thursday, September 25, 2008

Other local politics....

It is hard not to notice that the large "yes" on the recall sign out on Denny School Rd. and Hwy 34 is accompanied by a sign in support of Sherrie Sprenger...

This should not surprise anyone.

As we vote for a representative this year, I am encouraging all of my fellow constituents to vote for anyone but Ms. Sprenger for some very specific and logical reasons...see if you agree....

1. Ms. Sprenger was NOT elected to her position, she was appointed (so don't think of her as an "incumbent").

2. I believe that she sought endorsement from the teacher's union when she ran for school board...and boy didn't that turn out great for them?

3. She has received money from one of those small special interest groups that are in collusion on the recall.

4. When a board member, she was easily seduced by the charasmatic Mr. Robinson and shut out parents, teachers, and community members.

5. She allowed our schools to deteriorate to the level of "public embarassment across the state".

Do we really want someone like that "representing" us at the state level?


Unknown said...

Yes Sherrie did seek the LEA recommendation. I personally, along with my daughters and some other teachers helped hand out her fliers canvassing neighborhoods in Lebanon. It was the last time the LEA decided to interview candidates for recommendation.

ProudgradofLUHS1985 said...

Trust me. I will NOT be voting for her! I got information about her yesterday and it says, I will be showing up on your doorstep. Yeah, what ever.

Anonymous said...

Funny that you place the blame on Sprenger for the "deterioration" of the Lebanon schools. Last time I checked, she was one of several board members, now who else was there? Wineteer and Alexander sound familiar. Oh wait, they are crusading angels of light against the forces of darkness. Anything wrong with the schools isn't their fault.