Saturday, September 20, 2008

What's your "sign"?

Hopefully you have all noticed a few new things to look at as you drive around Lebanon....

After the discouragement I expressed in my last posting.... I decided to drag myself out for some errands and my mood lifted significantly!

All I can say is....

Thank you, thank you, thank you! whoever took the time and energy to demonstrate that Mr. Wineteer and Mr. Alexander are not alone!

For a while people have been trying to convince us that this community is divided, but that image is faulty in that it implies equal division....

I think the closer to accurate view of this as a community is that it has a gaping wound, but the majority of the body is healthy and well and just waiting to get rid of the infection and heal the sore spot.

Let's keep the brave healers and allow them to do what is needed to cure this community!

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