Wednesday, September 17, 2008

What matters...

There have been a few comments about whether identity should be revealed...

Here are my thoughts...

The identity matters less than the content.

This blogger has tried diligently to check facts before posting, spoken to multiple sources, researched web pages and clarified points as necessary.

The content on this page can be verified and determined by individuals who choose to look.

No one has been named who is not directly linked to actions or activities without sufficient evidence to the concept.

If you find my information faulty... let me know, I will recheck my facts, and if I am wrong, I will offer retractions.

So far, I believe my content withstands argument, therefore my identity is irrelevant.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yes. you have a right to privacy. your information speaks for itself. people wanting you to disclose your identity probably do not have your best interest at heart.