Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Double take on the arguments in the recall....

Awhile back, former board member and Jim Robinson supporter Warren Beeson wrote a guest editorial to the Lebanon Express about the recall efforts expounding the rationale behind it. I have reporduced the list here with some editorial changes [in boxed parenthesis] indicating the way many people believe would be a more honest interpretation of the situation

€ [Jim Robinson] has a long-term pattern of rash and irresponsible actions that violate School Board policies, violate contracts, are potential conflicts of interest, and bring potential financial penalties to the district.

€ Alexander & Wineteer have consistently placed their personal agendas [of honest leadership and fairness to those who work in the district schools, including the charter school, with and for our communities kids] above the interests of the district regarding Sandridge Charter School and PIE; such as [discussing an] increase funding to Sandridge when all other district schools are facing budget cuts [and then making the necessary changes so that there would not be a negative financial impact and voting on that revised contract.]

€ [Jim Robinson] has acted in reckless disregard of legal advice and/or refused to obtain legal counsel, such as by [violating bargaining laws, violating civil rights of employees, exposing students and staff to asbestos, violating federal special ed and testing laws] (in fact, [working in coordination with] the School District's attorney [without the input of the board.]

€ Alexander and Wineteer have consistently made last-minute changes to board meeting agendas in order to spring surprise proposals on the other board members, the administration, and the interested public [Because Chair Sherrie Sprenger refused to put items they requested on the agenda].

€ [Jim Robinson] has cost the district thousands of dollars in unnecessary legal expenses with hasty, ill-considered, reckless, and irresponsible actions. [The majority of the Board was not]violating the superintendent's contract by putting him on administrative leave, [however, reversing the decision due to harassment] is one example [of the undue pressure brought against the public servants trying to do what is best for students].

€ They have [tried to stop] numerous administrative and personnel actions [that wer expensivew and detrimental to the district and have been unable to stop Jim Robinson's] violations of board policy and existing contracts, leaving the district subject to litigation; for example, by [illegal] negotiations [with employees and they have tried to work out a fair] contract renewal with PIE outside the established process [since Jim Robinson refused to treat the Sand Ridge group appropriately and ignored the desire of the board in the negotiations].

€ [Jim Robinson's] agenda of [chaos] prevents the community from moving forward to achieve better educational opportunities for all Lebanon students.These actions (and their potential future decisions) have serious legal and financial consequences for which Lebanon residents will pay the price.

It is up to the citizens of Lebanon to decide which version is more accurate...

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