Wednesday, September 17, 2008

But I digress...

Boy is it hard to stay focused on providing "proof" because there is so much inuendo and fodder for rumors in this situation... But I thought I might add a few links for people to be able to look at things for themselves.

Don't believe this blog just because you like or agree with the content.

Let's all be responsible and do some research so we can all say...
"I know for a fact."

1.Here is the district phone directory....see for yourself how many teachers, administrators, District Office personnel etc. that there are in our district.

2. The district rhetoric on the SAS and the other "priorities" here in Lebanon:

3. Oregon Department of Education 2007-08 Test Results for Reading, Writing, Math and Science article with links below to results.
You can also look around on this page to find older documents for comparison over the years.

4. Where you can find the lawsuit results from the Employment Relations Board:
Scroll down to UP 033-04 for the Classified illegal bargaining case. and
Scroll down to UP 004-06 for the Certified free speech case.

5. I could not find the asbetos complaint ruling from when they stripped the asbestos tiles with kids in the building on the OSHA webpage. If any of you come across it, I would love to post it. There was a fine imposed.

Let me know if there are other things you would like facts on.

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